Information for Parent's

Information For Parent's

  • Attend all parents Teacher Meeting (PTM).
  • Grace all occasions by their presence when required .
  • Come to school on result declaration day. They may also bring to the notice of the teacher and discuss any problem faced in relation to students scholastic and co - scholastic growth.
  • Not to call their wards during school hours unless in emergency.
  • Not to go to the classrooms during school hours. They may contact teachers through the School diary for an appointment whenever necessary only after 12 noon for E/M and after 2 noon for H/M.
  • Not to send their wards when they suffer from contagious disease till they are completely cured.
  • Parents must check the home assignment diary and ensure the students have completed the task assigned for the
  • Parents must send their wards to school with Tiffin and water bottle .Tiffin must not be sent during school hours
  • We discourage the use of motored two wheelers by children. However, parents are requested to strictly adhere motor vehicle rules if students are given two wheelers.
  • Children will not be allowed to go home during school hours. Parents are advised not to keep any social engagement or medical appointment during working hours .To ensure better discipline parents are recommende= not to send their children to school on the day they have any such appointment. Parents may meet the Principal at any working day between 1.30 to 2.30 PM. whenever necessary or if they arc called.
  • To get the best from the school for your ehild, you are advised to maintain close contact with the school.
  • We earnesity recommend that parents and guardians should look their ward's SCHOOL DAIRY every day and sce that the lesson home work assigned for the day are done. Remarks put down on dairy should be seen countersigned regularly
  • ensure that your ward is neat. punctual and regular.
  • When you feel that your ward is not making the desired progress Class Teacher should be contacted .
  • Children are not allowed to go home during school hours, Parents requested not to make any social engagements during sehool hours. To ensure better discipline parents are requested not to send their children to the school on the c have any such appointment.
  • Should there be any infectious disease in your home, please report fact to the Principal at once, and do not send your ward to the class till the infections period is over.
  • As the medium of instructions in this school is English, students should be helped to follow their work casily anc intelligently by a certain amount of regular conversation in English at home.